Navigating the Holidays the Balanced Way
The holiday season, while a time for joy + celebration, often also goes hand in hand with overindulgence, disrupted routines, and anxiety around health + fitness goals. I’m here to tell you that it’s 100% possible to immerse yourself in the festive cheer while also maintaining balance and a mindful approach to the holidays. Let’s talk about some effective strategies to help you navigate this holiday season.
Is there a such thing as TOO much protein? And how much protein do you ACTUALLY need?
In a world where information, whether right or wrong, substantiated or unsubstantiated, researched or made up for personal gain, is quite literally at the click of a button, it’s easier than ever to consume misinformation. Over the last 25 or so years, knowledge of and opinions on protein have changed fairly drastically. Much of the previously widespread misinformation on protein (ex: protein makes you bulky) has been disproven and redacted; however, one of those outdated, pesky myths is still going strong: “protein is bad for your kidneys.” And yes, I said MYTH because this statement is absolutely not true. Protein is not inherently bad for your kidneys — spread the word!!!
5 mistakes you’re making that are costing you results
Are you making any of these 5 health + fitness mistakes?!

creatine: what it is, how it works, and how to use it
Nowadays, there are a million and one supplements on the market that promise a variety of results and other ergogenic (performance enhancing) effects. What’s important to remember about supplement companies and their products is that all supplements are not created equal. Dietary supplements are regulated as food products under the provision of DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act), but label claims for supplements do not have to be approved by the FTC or the FDA prior to sale. When it comes to fitness supplements, it’s important to do your own research to ensure that the product, its ingredients, and its promised results are legitimate, undisputed, and backed by science.
Creatine is the most widely studied supplement currently on the market and its efficacy is backed by years and years of research. Here is an introduction to creatine: what it is, how it works, and how to use it.
warming up before a workout: why + how should you do it?
If you’re not warming up before a workout, not only are you risking injury but you’re also missing out on some serious gains.
Similar to a test, a job interview, or a sports competition, the way that you prepare for a workout can make or break your performance!

smart goals…what are they and how do you set them?
As we are in a time of new resolutions and goals, I thought it would be helpful to talk about how to set realistic expectations and avoid burnout or becoming overwhelmed with impossible or unattainable goals.
why is personal training so expensive?
“Personal training is way too expensive.”
“Why do personal trainers charge so much?!”
“I can’t justify spending that much just to work out for an hour.”
There is so much that goes into personal training and I thought it would be helpful to share some of the factors trainers consider when setting prices and what you are actually paying for…
biofeedback…what is it and why does it matter?
Biofeedback, in a health and fitness sense, is a collection of different bodily signals that tell us how well our body is functioning. These signals typically stem from your body’s hormonal balance and function.

how to make the most out of personal training
There’s no doubt about it: personal training is an investment.
I fully believe that hiring a personal trainer is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. I also know how intimidating of a commitment it can be, so I put together some tips for how to get the most out of your investment!

workout terminology cheat sheet
Whether you’re working with a trainer, following an online program, working out with a gym buddy, etc., there are some common gym terms and abbreviations you’re likely to hear in the fitness world! Here are some of the most common ones explained…

are your workouts effective? here’s how to tell…
are your workouts effective? here’s how to tell…
Mistakes you’re making that could be hurting your progress
When it comes to your fitness journey, do you often find yourself wondering what ELSE you could possibly do to see quicker or greater progress? You’re always looking to do MORE, but have you ever thought that you might be doing too much?! Here are 8 mistakes you might be making that could actually be hurting your progress.
3 ways to intensify your movements without adding weight
Are your workouts feeling a little too easy lately but you don’t feel ready to add weight just yet? Keep reading! Here are 3 simple ways to challenge your body during your workouts and change the way you feel a movement…

“gymtimidation”— and how to overcome it
Don’t let the fear, intimidation, or anxiety of being in the gym hold you back from your goals! Here are some tips for helping you get started + grow in the gym. We all start somewhere — you deserve to be in there as much as anyone else, so get your booty in there and start grinding!

deload weeks
What are they? How are they used? And, why should you be implementing them into your training program?

boost your metabolism and burn more calories
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could increase the amount of calories you burn in a day without increasing the amount of time you spend in the gym?
Good news…you CAN!

navigating the holidays with a balanced mindset
Does the idea of holiday food, drinks, and other indulgent treats stress you out? Do you feel anxiety when you think of interruptions to your normal health + fitness routine? If you answered yes, keep reading!

macros: an overview
Macros CAN BE very intimidating, especially if you’re not familiar with them and how they work. However, they don’t have to be intimidating, stressful, or confusing.
At the end of the day, macros are a tool just like gym equipment, a scale, etc. They are a way of quantitatively manipulating your nutritional intake to optimize your goals.