Where it all began…
I began dancing when I was 2 years old; I was primarily classically trained, so my focus was ballet, which I absolutely LOVED. Around the beginning of high school, however, I started to notice that my body was very different from the other girls in my class and from the ballerinas I saw in the media. I became obsessed with making my body look like what I thought was “normal” for a ballerina.
After spending the majority of my high school years restricting and forcing myself to do things I didn’t enjoy so I could have a body that I deemed “acceptable” in the ballerina world, I went to college burnt out and ready to finally let loose. The significant decline in physical activity coupled with a vibrant social life, new eating habits, and that pesky little thing called alcohol led me from malnourished and underweight to malnourished and overweight. I was heavier than I’d ever been and I began to feel like my body was not my own anymore.
After pursuing a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Virginia, I am now a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and I am the healthiest I’ve ever been. I’ve developed an absolute love for weightlifting and fueling my body properly, not only because of the way it makes me look, but because of the way it makes me FEEL. I feel powerful, strong, and confident. Today, I am no longer ashamed, but proud, of my muscles because they allow me to do incredible things that bring fulfillment, joy, and purpose into my days. Weight training has gifted me with such an incredible mindset shift and I hope that I can use my personal experiences, my knowledge, and my love of a balanced, healthy lifestyle to help others achieve that same satisfaction.
does this sound like you?

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
-Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby