“gymtimidation”— and how to overcome it
“Gymtimidation” is now a common term in the fitness industry and it is exactly what it sounds like: intimidation or anxiety surrounding the idea or act of going to the gym. Gymtimidation is a very common phenomena for those who may be getting into the gym for the first time, but it can happen to anyone, even seasoned gym-goers!
While these feelings are normal, there are ways to overcome them so that you don’t let fear, intimidation, or anxiety hold you back from your goals! I put together a few of my best tips + tricks to help you feel more comfortable and get the most out of your gym time.
GO IN WITH A PLAN: It’s incredibly easy to get lost or overwhelmed in the gym. Between navigating and learning how to use equipment, finding space where you feel comfortable, figuring out what to do for your workout, there are a lot of moving parts that have the potential to cause stress…if you let them. Knowing + being able to visualize what you’ll be doing and where you’ll be doing it can be very helpful. If you’re going to a new gym for the first time, set aside some time before your first workout to go and get a lay of the land. Knowing where things are and how they work can make a world of difference when you go back for an actual workout! Furthermore, plan out your workouts before you even set foot in the gym. Seriously, write it all down: what exercise you’ll be doing, how many reps and sets you’ll be doing. Knowing the specifics of your workout ahead of time will allow you to go in with confidence and move with confidence. It also makes you more intentional with your workouts so that you can really maximize your time.
TUNE EVERYONE OUT: Bring your headphones and find/make playlists that hype you up! You are there for YOU, so focus on YOU. Turn up the tunes and let music or a podcast help you get in a zone that allows you to block everyone else out.
FIND A SPOT WHERE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE: Start small!! This goes hand in hand with my first tip: getting a lay of the land beforehand can be super helpful in terms of finding places where you feel comfortable and out of the way. As you build more confidence, venture out into spaces that may be more “intimidating.” Baby steps! Most importantly, remember that you deserve to be there as much as anyone else does! That space you’re using? That piece of equipment you’re using? You are equally entitled to it as much as the person beside you. Don’t get sucked into the mindset that you are undeserving or that someone who’s more “experienced” deserves it more.
WEAR SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL STRONG + CONFIDENT: Does a clunky hoody and sweats make you feel comfortable and ready to attack a lift? Rock that hoody and sweats. Does a matching sports bra + leggings set make you feel sexy and put-together? Rock that set. The more confident + comfortable you feel, the better you’ll be able to focus on your workout.
REMEMBER THAT EVERYONE STARTED SOMEWHERE: I saved this tip for last because it is the most important!! This mindset is crucial for ensuring that you don’t get overwhelmed and keep showing up for yourself. There are a few takeaways that I want you to always remember:
Everyone started somewhere: every single person in that gym with you had a first workout. Those feelings of anxiety + intimidation your’e feeling? They likely experienced those same feelings. HOWEVER, they pushed through the temporary discomfort and kept showing up for themselves.
It might seem like people are staring, but 9 times out of 10, they are either completely unaware of what you’re doing OR they don’t care! I don’t even mean that in a mean way — they are just genuinely uninterested in your workout because they’re busy focusing on what they’re doing. Most people are putting time in the gym for the same reasons as you: to focus on and better themselves! You share a common ground in that way.
Your day 1 can’t be compared to someone else’s day 475. To do so would be like comparing the education of a kindergartener to that of a PhD student. Comparing yourself to the seasoned gym-goer next to you is unrealistic and could set you back physically and mentally!
You deserve to be in there and you deserve to better yourself and crush your goals, so get your booty in there and start grinding!